新学年向け 語法定着度チェック問題




【A】空所に入る適切な語(句)を1つ選びなさい。 (各1点)
(1) My parents insisted that my sister ( ) the dentist.
① be visited ② visiting ③ was visited ④ visit
(1) ____
(2) I don't blame you ( ) doing that.(関西外語大)
① for ② of ③ at ④ with
(2) ____
(3) I heard him ( ) a song in the bathroom.
① to be singing ② to sing ③ having sung ④ singing
(3) ____
(4) 激務の後,父は一日中ベッドで横になっていた。(名古屋学院大)
After hard work, my father was ( ) in bed all day long.
① lie ② laying ③ lay ④ lying
(4) ____
(5) Can you ( ) me the time, please?(神奈川大)
① tell ② speak ③ say ④ instruct
(5) ____
(6) This milk is going to be made ( ) cheese.(大阪電通大)
① by ② into ③ of ④ from
(6) ____
(7) Please ( ) me for not having written for a long time.(名古屋外語大)
① forgive ② admit ③ allow ④ permit
(7) ____
(8) War occurs when something ( ) wrong with foreign affairs.(西南学院大)
① makes ② goes ③ does ④ comes
(8) ____
(9) 花の手入れを毎日していると,生活がとても楽しくなります。(桜美林大)
Taking care of these flowers every day ( ) life so enjoyable.
① gives ② allows ③ makes ④ helps
(9) ____
(10) After a lot of problems she ( ) to learn to drive a car.(センター)
① gave up ② put off ③ managed ④ succeeded
(10) ____
(11) The teacher promised ( ) the students to the library in the afternoon.(神奈川大)
① take ② taking ③ to take ④ of taking
(11) ____
(12) I just heard someone ( ) my name.(金沢工大)
① to be called ② calls ③ called ④ call
(12) ____
(13) The teacher encouraged ( ).(富山国際大)
① for me to study ② me to study ③ that I should study ④ me to studying
(13) ____
(14) According to the survey, about 40% of college students have considered ( ) school.
① to quit ② quit ③ quitted ④ quitting
(14) ____
(15) I have tried to ( ) Nancy from going abroad. She is too young.(京都外語大)
① persuade ② encourage ③ convince ④ discourage
(15) ____
(16) Carelessness may ( ) you your life.(京都産業大)
① take ② cause ③ cost ④ put
(16) ____
(17) Beth felt the rain ( ) on her head.(関西外語大)
① to fall ② falls ③ falling ④ fell
(17) ____
(18) This book is too expensive. I can't ( ) to buy it.(センター)
① intend ② afford ③ want ④ account
(18) ____
(19) John didn't know how to ( ) to his wife that he had quit his job.(南山大)
① request ② ask ③ tell ④ explain
(19) ____
(20) ガスをつけっ放しにしておかないように注意しなさい。(玉川大)
Be careful not to leave the gas ( ) on.
① turn ② turning ③ to turn ④ turned
(20) ____
(21) トムが一生懸命働いていることは認めるけれど,まだ十分ではない。(慶應大)
I ( ) that Tom has worked hard, but it isn't enough.
① suspect ② allow ③ admit ④ permit
(21) ____
(22) Though they had a heated debate, I kept ( ) during the meeting.(同志社大)
① quietly ② quiet ③ silently ④ talkative
(22) ____
(23) Her father ( ) her to be careful in choosing friends.(実践女子大)
① suggested ② explained ③ said ④ advised
(23) ____
(24) Can I ( ) your telephone?(浜松大)
① lend ② use ③ rent ④ credit
(24) ____
(25) 私は彼女が秘密を漏らしたのではないかと疑っています。(東洋大)
I ( ) that she leaked the secret.
① doubt ② suspect ③ am doubtful ④ am suspecting
(25) ____
(26) The girl who saved the child from drowning has been ( ) with an award for courage.
① given ② promised ③ presented ④ offered
(26) ____
(27) Let me ( ) you of your baggage.(中央大)
① bring ② keep ③ relieve ④ help
(27) ____
(28) I regret not ( ) to university when I was young.(青山学院大)
① gone ② went ③ to go ④ going
(28) ____
(29) Have you finished ( ) that science book?
① to have read ② to read ③ reading ④ having read
(29) ____
(30) I had to send back the jacket because it did not ( ) me.
① fit ② arrange ③ get ④ meet
(30) ____


(1) ④
(2) ①
(3) ④
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(5) ①
(6) ②
(7) ①
(8) ②
(9) ③
(10) ③
(11) ③
(12) ④
(13) ②
(14) ④
(15) ④
(16) ③
(17) ③
(18) ②
(19) ④
(20) ④
(21) ③
(22) ②
(23) ④
(24) ②
(25) ②
(26) ③
(27) ③
(28) ④
(29) ③
(30) ①

