


Should the Japanese government take action to increase the number of caregivers in society? Why or why not?

2023 慶應大学経済学部


caregiver が「介護士」とわかれば、高齢化が進む日本での介護士の必要性、そして現状の「介護」における課題を書けばよいですね。比較的書きやすい問題かなと思いました。





The shortage of caregivers in Japan has become a serious issue due to the rapidly aging population. To address this problem, the Japanese government should take measures to attract more individuals to the caregiving profession. This could involve improving working conditions, increasing wages, and providing better training and support to caregivers. The government could also offer financial incentives or scholarships to encourage more people to pursue a career in caregiving. Increasing the number of caregivers would improve the quality of care services for the elderly, alleviate caregivers' heavy workload, and create more employment opportunities in the caregiving industry. Therefore, it is essential for the government to take action to increase the number of caregivers to ensure the well-being of Japan's aging population.(122words)



It is not advisable to argue against the Japanese government taking action to increase the number of caregivers in society. The aging population in Japan has created a significant demand for care services, and the shortage of caregivers has resulted in low-quality care for the elderly. Failing to address this problem would lead to a decline in the quality of life for the elderly and negatively impact society as a whole. The government has a responsibility to ensure that its citizens receive the care they need, and this includes taking steps to attract more individuals to the caregiving profession. Without action, the problem will only worsen, and the burden on caregivers will become increasingly unsustainable. Therefore, the government should take action to increase the number of caregivers in society, improve the quality of care services, and support the well-being of its aging population.(143words)



AI can play a significant role in providing support for caregivers and improving the quality of care services. AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics can automate tasks such as patient monitoring, medication management, and household chores, freeing up time for caregivers to focus on more critical tasks. Additionally, AI can assist with diagnosis and treatment planning, providing faster and more accurate assessments, leading to more effective care for patients.

However, AI cannot replace human caregivers entirely. Caregiving involves emotional support, social interaction, and empathy, which are essential elements of providing high-quality care services. Human caregivers can offer personalized care, respond to the unique needs of patients, and develop relationships with them. Furthermore, human caregivers can act as a source of emotional support for patients and their families, which AI technology cannot provide.

Therefore, while AI can provide valuable support for caregivers and improve the quality of care services, it cannot replace the essential role of human caregivers in providing care for patients. A combination of AI technology and human caregivers can lead to a more effective and efficient caregiving system.(185words)







  • 高齢化社会において、介護者不足問題を解決することができる。
  • 介護者の負担が軽減され、介護サービスの質が向上する。
  • 介護業界が活性化し、雇用の創出につながる。
  • 介護者が増えることで、介護に必要な時間や労力がより充実し、介護を必要とする人々がより自立した生活を送ることができるようになる。


  • 新しい介護者の育成に時間がかかり、即座に問題が解決できない可能性がある。
  • 介護者の増加に伴い、介護保険料が上昇する可能性がある。
  • 介護者の数が増えたとしても、介護が必要な人々がますます増加しているため、需要と供給のバランスが難しい課題となる。


  • 高齢化による需要の増加 日本の高齢化が進み、介護が必要な高齢者の数が増加しています。このため、介護士が必要とされる場面が増え、需要が高まっています。
  • 労働環境の悪化 介護業界は、長時間労働や肉体的・精神的負担が大きいといった労働環境が問題視されており、介護士の離職率が高い傾向にあります。
  • 待遇面の不備 介護士の給与が低く、社会的地位が低いことが、介護士の職業選択に影響を与えています。また、雇用形態の不安定さや福利厚生の不備も問題視されています。
  • 就業条件の不適切 介護士には適切な教育や研修が必要ですが、その研修制度が不十分であることが問題視されています。また、介護士の労働環境や業務内容が適切でないと、介護士が仕事を継続することが難しくなります。







